Lemma, Souad Asla: women and music in Algeria


Find on Aux Sons' website a fascinating article written by Rita Stirn. It explores the women's place in Algeria's music, which is music with a lot of facets that differ in terms of language, origin or style. We understand how little by little Algerian women have been able to reappropriate universes initially reserved for men to find their place and come out of their shell.


Through this exploration, we discover several prominent figures, past or present, in the different facets of Algerian music. Among them, we can find Souad Asla and her women's band of all ages Lemma, worthy representatives of Hadra and Gnawa music. They have at heart to transmit a heritage, a musical heritage that takes root in the desert ...


Let's begin this journey: https://www.auxsons.com/focus/femmes-et-musiques-en-algerie/?doing_wp_cron=1655215495.5119578838348388671875